- All intellectual properties and techniques used to build adwords campaigns for clients will remain the property of Adwordsmanagementuk unless stated in writing.We do not charge for building adwords campaigns.
- We do not offer our clients the opportunity of amending or viewing our adwords campaigns, as this can often cause problems in gaining the best possible results.
- PPCclickmanagement reserve the right to stop campaigns at any time
- All payment of Google adwords clicks will be charged directly from Google to our clients from their debit or credit card.
- PPCclickmanagement is owned and operated by Bed Of Roses Advertising Ltd.
- Bed of Roses ltd manage ad words accounts using the following key word match options Which may including Broad match, exact match, match modifier and Phrase match. Bed of Roses ltd will use the facilities available from google ad words but will not be responsible for traffic attracted by key word types/matches.